Nablopomo about Nanowrimo

Okay, I am only blogging because I have to:)
I just reached 20025 words, which is where I was supposed to be yesterday. So 4000 words for me today! Wow! I squeezed in about 45 minutes this morning and then another 45 while the boys were in taekwondo. I grabbed a latte and sat in the van and typed away while the babies watched Diego. Then after I put my boys to bed tonight I sat down and cranked out another 2000 words. Yippee!
So I am now only 1 day behind, easy to make up!
My boys got lots of writing in today as well, so we took a break this afternoon to go to the leisure centre and swim. Oh, and I think I have arranged a group of us homeschoolers to go and swim/gym there on a semi-regular basis. I even nailed down a date! Yipee!
Now I am tired, I am going to bed. Maybe after I go and read a few of my fave blogs.


  1. You are doing amazing! and this NaNoWriMo NaBloPoBlows month is half through! Can't wait to read your novel!


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