Ode to Insomnia

Oh Insomnia
Horrid lack of sleep
I didn't miss you one bit
but back you came......

Okay, I am way too tired to write an ode. Or anything else. Baby is only getting up once at night, but unfortunately I am not really sleeping. At most 3 hours a night. I was trying to figure out why my eye won't stop twitching, then it dawned on me. Oh! I have only had one night of real sleep in weeks! It was enough to tide me over for most of last week, but apparently this week I need some more.
Sleep will come again, I know it will. Until then I may not be around much, the computer screen aggravates the twitch.


  1. There might not be anything worse than a mama who is awake at night when her baby is sleeping... AARGH!!

    May sleep find you soon (and may your eye also stop twitching!!)

  2. Insomnia bites! My husband has only to lie down (on the bed, the sofa, the floor) and he is asleep. He just doesn't get it, sometimes I want to beat him up when he is sleeping. Hugs!

  3. now that baby is sleeping- you can't. That stinks!

  4. oh that sucks!
    Here's to a lonnnnnnnng night of uninterupeted rest!

  5. Yuck! I hope you are able to catch some zzzs soon! My eye also twitches when I'm in desperate need of sleep. It's no fun.

  6. ACK! You poor thing! Same thing happened to me (and I'm going through it now, too) and I had to start popping the Benedryl. Helps, and BF safe (I think).

    Good luck, MMM. Insomnia is terrible.

  7. aaawwgggg - that is terrible. I hope sleep finds you and finds you fast.


  8. Aggravates the twitch - tee hee! I hope you get some sleep soon - you poor thing! Take care - kellan

  9. can you take something to help you sleep? I hope you get some rest soon...

  10. Tylenol PM works for me. Good luck to you. You need your sleep!

  11. I'm sorry you can't sleep.
    Happy that your Mother In Law is doing well, but it's unfortunate that she had an MI to begin with... glad you guys are all feeling well.

  12. I've got one of those pesky eye twitches, too, but mine's more related to my poor mother (lol) rather than lack of sleep. I hope you can catch some zzzz's soon!

  13. I hope you're sleeping right now....

  14. Oh, I KNOW this too well. I hope you get some rest soon.


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