Crybaby! and giveaway is back on!

The Give-away is back on! All you have to do is sign up for a free Heritage Makers account here, or leave me a comment with your email addy so that I can register your free account and you will be entered into a draw for a free custom calendar credit and my design help if you desire.
Draw is Nov. 28th. Good luck! and all of you who already signed up during the glitch, will be entered as well. Thanks!

What a week! I am feeling very overwhelmed by my life right now. So many 'I shoulds', ack! And I feel like I shouldn't complain because this life was my choice. I know there are those in my hubby's family that feel that way, I chose to have all these kids, despite their advice, therefore I dare not complain. Or if I feel overwhelmed, frustrated or tired, then that it yet another reason why I should put my kids in school... (not all of them feel that way, they are pretty darn supportive actually!)
I did make these choices, because I thought, and still think, that they are what is best for my family. Most of the time. Occasionally, like today, I feel like I must be insane to think for one second that I can make this work. And honestly, on my own strength there is no way that I can be successful at any of it. Funny how, as I write this out, the answers come to me. (apparently my grammar is failing me, but...)
The answer being, that I don't have to do it on my own strength. I can rely on my heavenly Father. My God is sufficient for all my needs. Let me repeat that to myself for a moment... My God is sufficient for all my needs. repeat until absorbed.
Why is that so easy for me to forget? I have been running around like a mad woman, lamenting all that I 'need' to do, but can't seem to accomplish. Having a good cry, at least daily, at all my failures and frustrations. I just can't do it all. I can't get my house to stay even remotely clean. I can't blinkin' get it clean at all! I feel like I am a complete failure as a teacher most days, just the thought of planning, implementing and facilitating the 4 learners in my home is so daunting that I want to pull out my hair. And all the extras? Where do they fit?
Why do I fight God so much to try and hang on to all this. He just asks for me to give it to him and lean on him. I know I can't do it on my own, and yet I resist giving it up. Silly, silly girl. I guess this is one of those growth things. Isn't that the point of my blog name? To keep morphin' into the woman he intends me to be?
Okay, okay, I get it! I really do. I am trying here God, thanks for yet another chance. Giving it to you, right now. Deep breath. I can't do it all myself, thank you for helping me, uplifting me, carrying me. Thank you for covering over my mistakes, especially with my kids. They are pretty darn terrific, in spite of me some days. Thank you.
'K', feeling a bit better now. ahhhhhh.

For those of you interested, there is a Heritage Makers virtual workshop tonight, learn all about storybooking and my terrific business. Here is the link:
8:30 PM (Pacific), 9:30 PM (Mountain), 10:30 PM (Central), 11:30 PM (Eastern)


  1. is not just you. I hear you. Sometimes it is so hard to realize that we are not the one that is control.

  2. Here's the way I logicate it to myself (why yes, I made up a word): there will be a time when my house will be spotless and my life the epitome of organized. And I will miss my children and the chaos.

    Hang in there, dude.

  3. It is not just you at all. :) Welcome to life as a mom and a woman. Isn't it nice to know you're not alone? And aren't you supposed to be sending me fabric? I'll have to check my email and see what decision we came to.

  4. It is truly amazing how easy or how quickly we can forget...but what counts is that we re-group and re-commit.


  5. I'm sorry you were having such a rough time of it. Hope that you're doing better now. I always seem to make a mess of things when I try to do stuff by myself without even looking to God for guidance.

  6. oh, hang in there.
    if your life were less chaotic, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself! if your life were less chaotic, you'd miss the chaos!

    ....and you can certainly whine & complain on your blog. That's what it is here for.

  7. You are not the only mom out there feeling this way. It is part of Mommy Hood - right? (And that is why we are here to "listen". And writing is good for the soul. (: I hope you are feeling better.

  8. You can always vent here. We may not be able to help physically, but we can offer all the support and cyber hugs you need.

  9. Oh I hear you. I have been having a week that is somewhat the same.
    Bless you and hugs. Your words helped me too!

  10. No, you aren't alone. And while writing that, you probably weren't trying to speak to anyone else, but your words are just what I needed right now. Thanks.

  11. Sending big hugs your way!!

  12. Darn! I missed the Heritage Makers virtual workshop! I have to admit, I still don't know much about digital scrapping...I'm so hot and heavy into paper scrapping. Anyway, I just voted for you for best family blog...saw your name by chance.

    Kristen, hang in there, sweetie. I felt like you described for the past three years solid. It's only been since May that I feel I've seen a light at the end of the tunnel. It will happen for you. In the meantime, God is taking care of you and your family and is blessing you to pieces! Your family is beautiful and so are you. Bless you for taking the hard road despite all the worldly reasons not to.


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